September in Review

September is over and it was one hell of a month! I had so many new things going on it was hard to keep up with my reading schedule. Hopefully, in October it will be getting a bit better. I started a new program at school and moved to a new city so I am just getting back into the swing of things. This month I started to listen to a lot more audiobooks which have been my savour! 

Rebel Belle - Rachel Hawkins  { 3.5 out of 5 Stars }
Still Foolin' Em - Billy Crystal { 4 out of 5 Stars }
Columbine - Dave Cullen { 3.5 out of 5 Stars }

Favourite of the Month: Still Foolin' Em by Billy Crystal 
Least Favourite of the Month: Keep Sweet by Michele Dominguez Greene
Overall Thoughts: It wasn't as bad as I expected looking back. I didn't read anything phenomenal but I still enjoyed everything I read. Overall, it was a decent month.

I'm keeping it short this month. I am still currently reading The Martian and The Final Empire which I will be finishing this month too. I expect I have midterms this month so I want to not put a lot of reading pressure on myself. I'll catch up at Christmas time. These are on my list for sure. I have had Ignite Me on my TBR for months now and I have Magnus Chase pre-ordered. 

How did your September go? Let me know :) 

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